How to Maximise the Storage Area in a Small Garage

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Written By BillyRichard

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We aren’t all blessed with a huge garage that can function as a workspace, somewhere to park the car and a storage area, and instead, it usually becomes a dumping ground for all of the stuff which you simply can’t fit into the house.

Here are some ways in which you can try and get the most out of the limited storage area that you have.

Have a Clear Out

The most obvious way to create space is to get rid of some of the stuff that you don’t need anymore.

Go through the garage and pull out anything which you haven’t used for ages or no longer need. Chances are that you’ll stumble across some stuff you had no ideas was there in the first place.

In an ideal world, you’ll be able to sell some of this stuff on to make a little bit of extra cash, but even if you can’t, it can either donated to a friend or neighbour or safely disposed of.

Either head to your local charity shop or try out a site such as Preloved, where you can give stuff away for free.

Make the Most of Vertical Space

For the stuff that you do need to keep the garage, it’s worth investing in some good wall-mounted, adjustable shelving.

It’s an efficient way to store all of your tools and anything else that you need to store in the garage, but if you opt for an adjustable system, you can reconfigure it when you’ve got more or less stuff.

Where possible, use floor to ceiling cabinets and shelving to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your space.

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Another good tip from is that if your garage has open rafters, you can also make use of the ceiling space, by laying down boards and putting some items up there that you don’t need access to that often.

Use Mobile Work Areas

If you can find any, work areas and toolboxes on wheels can be a godsend, as they can easily be rolled out away from the walls or even out of the garage temporarily, to help create more space as and when you need it.

It also helps to opt for taller, narrow storage options rather than wider ones to help free up as much floor space as possible.

Get Organised

It can be tedious and if you’re not an organised kind of person, this approach probably won’t work for you, but if you can organise all of your small bits and pieces like nails, screws, washers and bolts, it’ll make your life a lot easier.

If you can gather all these little parts together and label them, you’ll reduce the amount of clutter in the garage by a surprising amount.

Check out this post from the Family Handyman for 51 great ideas on how to organise your garage.

These are just some of the ways that you can help to get more out of the space available to you in your garage and you might be surprised at just how much extra room you can create.