The Basics of the Plumbing System of a House

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Written By BillyRichard

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The plumbing system in any kind of dwelling is the lifeline of the abode. Without it, some of the modern conveniences would not be possible. Read on to learn some of the basics of a plumbing system.

The plumbing system can be broken down into five basic categories. These are:

  • Water Supply
  • Pipes
  • Plumbing Fixtures
  • Heaters
  • Drainage

Water Supply

The source of water for plumbing can be either through a public water system or a private one. Some use a combination of both. A public water system is delivered to through large water pipes called Mains. Private water supplies exist for places far away from mains.


In a plumbing structure, the pipes transport and circulate the water throughout the house. Depending on the location and geography of the house, there are different pipe types that are efficient in a plumbing system. Some of these types are:

  • Cast-Iron Pipe
  • Galvanized Steel Pipe
  • Copper Pipe
  • Plastic Pipe

Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures include the sinks, tubs, showers, toilets, and faucets. The most important part in laying out a plumbing system is identifying where to place these fixtures.

Most professional plumbers recommend positioning the plumbing in one concentrated area of the house. One can save a lot in materials and installation if these plumbing fixtures are close to each other.

Water Heaters

Although water heaters can be considered part of plumbing fixtures, they need special attention due to the wide range of options and complications a water heater presents. Factors such as what type of water heater used, its energy source, and location can affect the plumbing system and how it is laid out.

See also  Plumbing Problems And Solutions

Advances in water heater technology have resulted in more efficient and safe water heaters. There are a lot of kinds of water heaters in the market to tailor fit each plumbing system’s needs.


The drainage has two functions that it contributes to a plumbing structure. It transports water and wastes to a sanitary sewer or tank, and it gets rid of noxious gases. The capacity and pitch, sealing, venting, and provisions for cleaning are all important to a proper and effective drainage system.

For health and convenience, the drainage must be properly laid out to accommodate the whole capacity of the plumbing structure.